Eylean by Teamhood


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Our world-class support team is on hand to help you make the right choice. Find out why Eylean is the right choice for your organization and discover its powerful features with a free demo.

Service Availability

The technical support team is in UTC+02 (EET) timezone and is available from 9:00 AM till 7:00 PM from Monday to Friday excluding national holidays of Lithuania. For any technical issues and support requests related to Eylean board and Eylean server contacts support@eylean.com.

Response Times

Our technical staff will evaluate the severity of the issue and respond to it by priority. Lower priority means longer response time (max. 3 business days), higher priority – shorter response time (max. 1 business day):

  • Low priority – Enhancements, feature request, general errors, questions/consultations related to software use.
  • Medium priority – Errors preventing from using feature in Eylean, server related issues, TFS integration related issues.
  • High priority – Critical software crash, data corruption, installation problem.


Eylean board and Eylean server updates are free of charge and apply to both commercial and trial license owners.


UAB Eylean shall have no obligation to provide technical support concerning the software due to any:

  1. Misuse, or malfunction of hardware or operating system.
  2. Repairs or modifications to the software made by other than UAB Eylean which have caused damage to the software.
  3. Customer’s connection of a device or a program to the software which makes support impractical or which has caused damage to the software or which is not included.

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